Visualfestation Peter Adams Pdf Free Download

Visualfestation by
Peter Adams
Peter Adams
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Mar 17, 2018 Amruta rated it really liked it
Author provides techniques to manifest miracles in your life..major of them are listed as:
You have given a life and what would you like to do with it and why? Visualize the answer..
Answer would lead you to your goals in life..write those goals in present tense
Have burning passion to achieve your goals..
Feel the achievement of your if you have already received it..
STOP with negative thoughts...KNOW that it is a negative that that you can control it
Develop skill of asking ..ask b Author provides techniques to manifest miracles in your life..major of them are listed as:
You have given a life and what would you like to do with it and why? Visualize the answer..
Answer would lead you to your goals in life..write those goals in present tense
Have burning passion to achieve your goals..
Feel the achievement of your if you have already received it..
STOP with negative thoughts...KNOW that it is a negative that that you can control it
Develop skill of asking ..ask believe and receive!!
Be relaxed and actively use imagination to create a movie of your dream life... ...more
You have given a life and what would you like to do with it and why? Visualize the answer..
Answer would lead you to your goals in life..write those goals in present tense
Have burning passion to achieve your goals..
Feel the achievement of your if you have already received it..
STOP with negative thoughts...KNOW that it is a negative that that you can control it
Develop skill of asking ..ask b Author provides techniques to manifest miracles in your life..major of them are listed as:
You have given a life and what would you like to do with it and why? Visualize the answer..
Answer would lead you to your goals in life..write those goals in present tense
Have burning passion to achieve your goals..
Feel the achievement of your if you have already received it..
STOP with negative thoughts...KNOW that it is a negative that that you can control it
Develop skill of asking ..ask believe and receive!!
Be relaxed and actively use imagination to create a movie of your dream life... ...more

no big deal... have already read the same thing before. and he put so much of his accomplishments and personal life that seemed like he was bragging

Jan 24, 2018 Sara Ab rated it liked it
The law of attraction, spirituality and goal visualization are the main ingredients of success.
Trendy subjects that by hearing them so often we begin to be skeptical, but I am optimist about my life, I believe in God and I know that nothing comes unearned. So start making plans and working toward your goals.
Trendy subjects that by hearing them so often we begin to be skeptical, but I am optimist about my life, I believe in God and I know that nothing comes unearned. So start making plans and working toward your goals.

Jul 30, 2019 Jacia rated it liked it
He explained the laws of attraction and gave some great goal setting advice, but he made me roll my eyes pretty hard sometimes about the Bible. To each their own. Made me interested in checking out more books like it, though.

Apr 21, 2018 Rose rated it liked it
This is one that may require reading more than once...
I feel there are some solid truths here, but there is also an airie-fairy, pantheistic bit of mumbo jumbo...
I feel there are some solid truths here, but there is also an airie-fairy, pantheistic bit of mumbo jumbo...

This is the first book of this kind I read (just for the sake of reading), and as always, I just can't find any motivation following the steps or even believing in it. This is the first book of this kind I read (just for the sake of reading), and as always, I just can't find any motivation following the steps or even believing in it. ...more

Jun 30, 2019 Julia rated it it was amazing
The subject is repetitive. But what I like about this book is that it gives a very detailed perspective of how one Peter successfully incorporated specific practices into their life, beginning to end. For those of us that need to see a practical example to learn from, this book is a very good read.

Jul 25, 2018 Bindiya rated it really liked it
If you believe in the law of attraction then this one is a good book to have read. I believe I will be re- reading this book to incorporate those techniques into my life. I also liked the flow of the book where the Peter Adam tells you about his life and how things changed, when he gets to the techniques I definitely had some takeaways from this book.

Sep 05, 2020 Shivam Gite rated it did not like it
Thay are making us fool by saying free eBook,they hover you from one page to another page one store to another store, but you finds bluff reather than eBook. Shame on you guys.. I have a request to you please leave the study from your dirty business. Make it paid if you don't provide us free version but please dont make us fool Thay are making us fool by saying free eBook,they hover you from one page to another page one store to another store, but you finds bluff reather than eBook. Shame on you guys.. I have a request to you please leave the study from your dirty business. Make it paid if you don't provide us free version but please dont make us fool ...more

This is my first audiobook. I absolutely loved it.
I loved the fact that I listened to it cuz it made it more alive in a way!
This book can really change your life, just do your part and be a co-creator in your own life.
Do the work, acquire the knowledge, start manifesting and meditating.
If you can imagine it, you can have it.
I loved the fact that I listened to it cuz it made it more alive in a way!
This book can really change your life, just do your part and be a co-creator in your own life.
Do the work, acquire the knowledge, start manifesting and meditating.
If you can imagine it, you can have it.

El poder del pensamiento positivo.
No sé si puedo seguirle el ritmo a este tipo de ideas.
Creo que si algo suena muy bueno para ser verdad probablemente es muy bueno para ser verdad. Anyway, no me cuesta nada pensar que Jack White viene a pedir mi mano.
No sé si puedo seguirle el ritmo a este tipo de ideas.
Creo que si algo suena muy bueno para ser verdad probablemente es muy bueno para ser verdad. Anyway, no me cuesta nada pensar que Jack White viene a pedir mi mano.

This book will reinforce your belief in law of attraction
The most trilling part i consider is the triathlon part that motivates me a lot
Please do read it for one hour on 2x speed on youtube audio book
The most trilling part i consider is the triathlon part that motivates me a lot
Please do read it for one hour on 2x speed on youtube audio book

Good book gets you thinking on what you really want in life and pushes you to attempt to make a difference.

Sep 09, 2019 Yean Thoong rated it it was amazing
I listened to the audio book and had a great time listening. This is a good for those who are ready to start their next journey of realising their goals and dreams.

Feb 05, 2019 No Ur rated it it was amazing
I really like it and appreciate it ... it's a book where you have to work with what he said on it for a positive life I really like it and appreciate it ... it's a book where you have to work with what he said on it for a positive life ...more

Dec 10, 2018 زهراء شعيب rated it it was amazing
This is a kind of book which you enjoy reading it over and over... inspiring & motivating... I really like it

Nov 29, 2017 Hamood rated it really liked it
Worth reading and will definitely boost your energy

Its just a perfect book to believe in the law of attraction..

Mar 20, 2019 Xanthe rated it it was ok
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Basically change your mindset change your life.

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